The holiday season is finally upon us! During the holidays we find ourselves running around on countless trips to crowded stores picking up items we were almost positive we already had. In all this holiday madness it is sometimes hard for us to stop and consider people that are less fortunate. During the holiday season many people are in need, and there are several ways you can help!
Here at Sunland RV Resorts we are heavily committed to supporting our local communities during the holiday seasons. Below are a few ways you can help your resort reach their donation goals.
o Silver Palms RV Resort is participating in the Little Angel Tree for kids, through the Children's Ranch in Okeechobee. You are asked to supply monetary and new toy donations to support a child this Christmas.
o Naples Motorcoach Resort is always accepting unwrapped gently used toys for the organization Toys for Tots. Naples Motorcoach is also hosting an ugly sweater party on Friday, December 5th, upon which you are encouraged to bring toy donations in support of this fun filled event.
o Golden Village Palms RV Resort is supporting United Way for Santa's Workshop and collecting new toys for needy children. They are also accepting blankets and animal food for their local Animal Shelter, and collecting non-perishable food items for their local food pantry. You can support any of these organizations by bringing your donation items to the front desk.
o Emerald Desert RV Resort is supporting the local FIND Food Bank as they wish to collect non-perishable food items this holiday season. You are encouraged to bring any items to the front desk as Emerald Desert helps FIND break last year's donation record.
o San Diego RV Resorts are accepting new and gently used toy items for the organization Toys for Tots. Any donations are greatly appreciated and will make a huge difference in a child's holiday celebration., [add other links here] Now that you've completed the first step to giving back, you may be interested in taking your efforts even further this season. Below are some easy local ways you can donate clothing, food, and time.
San Diego Area
- Donate Clothing: The Alpha Project: Serves over 4,000 men, women and children each day. Services offered include affordable housing, education, emergency shelter, and employment training. The Alpha project is in need of the following items: Clothing, socks, shoes, blankets, pillows, and hygiene items.
- Donate Food: Community Resources Center (CRC): Provides a free holiday shopping experience for over 1,500 North County households in need. Families are given the opportunity to fill shopping carts with donated food and gifts as if they are shopping at a grocery store. CRC is requesting the following items: non-perishable foods, new toys and gently used jackets.
- Donate Time: San Diego Rescue Mission: Believes it is a privilege to help San Diego's homeless and poor populations to create better lives for themselves, and their children. Rescue mission is looking for volunteers to help in their warehouse thrift store, transitional housing, and women and children's center.
- Donate Clothing: Roy's Foundation Homeless Shelter: Places homeless individuals directly from the streets and emergency shelters into transitional housing units. Roy's Foundation is always accepting men's, women's and children's clothing items, as well as toiletries.
- Donate Food: Community Mission of Hope (CMoH): Provides food boxes, bread, hygiene needs and fresh produce items to hundreds of families in need. CMoH, this holiday season is looking for non-perishable food items specifically; canned meats, vegetables, and soups.
- Donate Time: Well in the Desert: Provides daily hot meals, emergency food assistance, and weekly food distribution. Volunteers and government assistance solely run this organization, so help is always needed. Well in the Desert is looking for support preparing warm meals, serving dinner and distributing food.
- Donate Clothing: House of Hope: Empowers struggling families and provides basic everyday needs. House of Hope is in need of gently used clothing and household items to continue their assistance through the year.
- Donate Food: The Salvation Army Food Pantry of Naples & Immokalee: Provides free food items for struggling families in need of financial support. The Salvation Army is requesting and in a severe shortage of the following canned meats: chicken, beef, and ham this holiday season.
- Donate Time: The Humane Society of Naples: Provides a shelter to animals in times of need, helps locate long-term homes, and promotes responsible pet ownership. During the holidays sometimes we forget that animals also need our loving attention and support. Volunteers are needed to act as foster parents, educators and help run daily operations.
If interested please call (239) 643-1555 for more information or visit These are just a few of the many ways you can get involved in your local community this year. Do you have any ideas, or know of any organizations that are in need? Tell us about them in the comment box - we would love to help!
Remember, no donation is too small in the eyes of a child or family in need. Take advantage of these great opportunities at your local resort and enjoy your holiday season knowing you lent a helping hand.